I know that Scala has path-dependent types, so for example if I have a class within an inner class I can constrain one argument of a method to be an instance of the inner class of the other argument:
class Outer { class Inner( x:Int ) }
val o1 = new Outer
val o2 = new Outer
val i11 = new o1.Inner(11)
val i12 = new o1.Inner(12)
val i21 = new o2.Inner(21)
def f[ A <: Outer ]( a:A )( i:a.Inner ) = (a,i)
f(o1)(i11) // works
f(o1)(i21) // type mismatch; i21 is from o2, not o1
And I can create a Map from an Outer to an Inner using a type projection:
var m = Map[Outer,Outer#Inner]()
But that would allow entries like o1 -> i21
, and I don't want that to be allowed. Is there any type magic to require that a value be an instance of its key's inner class? That is, I want to say something like
var m = Map[Outer,$1.Inner]() // this doesn't work, of course
var m = Map[Outer,Outer#Inner]()
– Wildingdef g[A <: Outer] = Map.empty[A, A#Inner]
– WildingHMap
), but you can always police what gets added to the map. – ClimatologyMap
type or arbitrary dependent types in Scala. The former you can write as a safe wrapper around the existingMap
. You'd basically have it be parametrized only by the key type, with a constraint that the key have some named inner type, and then your accessor methods would have types likedef get(k: K): k.Inner
. It wouldn't implement the current Scala collection generic map traits. – Detonate