I am trying to implement a control to show progress of a video and I am using a UISlider with a custom thumb image but the thumb image doesn't start from the beginning and it doesn't go till the end as well.
playerProgress = UISlider(frame: CGRectMake((btnImage.size.width + 2 * VideoViewControllerUX.ControlPadding), 0, (screenRect.size.width - (btnImage.size.width + 3 * VideoViewControllerUX.ControlPadding)), btnImage.size.height))
playerProgress.setThumbImage(UIImage(named: "slider"), forState: UIControlState.Normal)
playerProgress.maximumValue = 100
playerProgress.minimumValue = 0
playerProgress.addTarget(self, action: "playerProgressChanged:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.ValueChanged)
I am not sure whats going on.