I am a complete newbie to the world of Android.Please forgive me if my question is too naive.
I have been working on a sample application to realize Bluetooth pairing between a Linux Box (FC-21 running Bluez-5.42) and an Android tablet. I am using NFC to transfer the Bluetooth name, address and OOB data from the PC to Android. I am able to send the above data from PC to Android over NFC (beam to be precise) and I am able to parse and decode all the data at the Android side. With the Bluetooth address of the Linux box available at Android, I can call CreateBond() to pair the Android tablet with Linux Box. I have tested this part and it works as expected.
Now, the problem with this method is that, during Bluetooth pairing Numeric comparison or passkey entry association model is used, which I feel is an aberration to the user experience when he is using NFC to do the pairing. Since I already have the OOB data of the PC, I would like to use the OOB association for pairing such that the user experience is not compromised.
To do this, when I replace CreateBond() with CreateBondOutOfBand() [using reflection], no pairing request is sent from Android to the Linux PC.
try {
showLog("Pairing started");
Method m = bDev.getClass().getMethod("createBondOutOfBand", byte[].class, byte[].class);
showLog("Found method");
Boolean flag = (Boolean) m.invoke(bDev, Hash, Rand,(Object[]) null);
//Method m = bDev.getClass().getMethod("createBond", (Class[]) null);
//Boolean flag = (Boolean) m.invoke(bDev, (Object[]) null);
showLog("Pairing successfully finished.");
showLog("Pairing failed");
} catch (Exception e) {
showLog("Pairing failed.");
I searched online but could not find any concrete evidence that OOB pairing can be implemented in Android.
Further, to check the behavior of native Android, I created a NFC tag with the Bluetooth name, address and OOB data of the Linux box. When I held the tag against the Android tablet, Bluettoth pairing was started but it was still not using OOB association model.
My questions are as follows,
- Is OOB association model really supported on Android?
- If OOB association model is supported, is CreateBondOutOfBand() the API to be used or is there any other API that I need to use?
Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.