My Firestore is still retrieving documents from cache even though I've explicitly told it not to:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val dbSettings = FirebaseFirestoreSettings.Builder().setPersistenceEnabled(false).build()
db.firestoreSettings = dbSettings
Above is my launcher activity where I set the Firestore settings.
In my fragment I perform a GeoFirestore GeoQuery
class MapFragment : Fragment() {
val instances = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().collection("instances")
val geoFirestore = GeoFirestore(instances)
lateinit var nearbyDocs: GeoQuery
private fun searchNearby(){
nearbyDocs = geoFirestore.queryAtLocation(currentLocation, 1.0)
nearbyDocs.addGeoQueryDataEventListener(object : GeoQueryDataEventListener {
override fun onDocumentEntered(documentSnapshot: DocumentSnapshot, location: GeoPoint) {
Log.d(TAG, "onDocumentEntered: user1: ${documentSnapshot.getString("user1")?.substring(0, 3)} | docId: ${, 5)} | fromCache: ${documentSnapshot.metadata.isFromCache}")
Log.d(TAG, "isPersistanceEnabled2: ${db.firestoreSettings.isPersistenceEnabled}")
This is what it logs:
onDocumentEntered: user1: 0X6 | docId: lPLFf | fromCache: true
isPersistanceEnabled2: false
This doesn't make sense - I'm receiving cached documents even though my persistence is turned off.
Any idea what the problem is?
Edit: I have tried clearing the cache but that did not fix the problem.
. He could have helped, I guess – Struma