Help me please.
The app is just for receiving list of plants from and showing it in RecyclerView.
I am using Paging library 3.0 here.
Task: I want to add a header where total amount of plants will be displayed.
The problem: I just cannot find a way to pass the value of total items to header.
Data model:
data class PlantsResponseObject(
val data: List<PlantModel>?,
val meta: Meta?
) {
data class Meta(
val total: Int? // 415648
data class PlantModel(
val author: String?,
val genusId: Int?,
val id: Int?)
DataSource class:
class PlantsDataSource(
private val plantsApi: PlantsAPI,
private var filters: String? = null,
private var isVegetable: Boolean? = false
) : RxPagingSource<Int, PlantView>() {
override fun loadSingle(params: LoadParams<Int>): Single<LoadResult<Int, PlantView>> {
val nextPageNumber = params.key ?: 1
return plantsApi.getPlants( //API call for plants
nextPageNumber, //different filters, does not matter
.map<LoadResult<Int, PlantView>> {
val total = it.meta?.total ?: 0 // Here I have an access to the total count
//of items, but where to pass it?
data =!! //Here I can pass only plant items data
.map { PlantView.PlantItemView(it) },
prevKey = null,
nextKey =
override fun invalidate() {
LoadResult.Page accepts nothing but list of plant themselves. And all classes above DataSource(Repo, ViewModel, Activity) has no access to response object.
Question: How to pass total count of items to the list header?
I will appreciate any help.