I am writing my first comprehensive app using Core Data, and I want to see what the best way to keep track of various object changes / updates / deletes is. For example, I have a Notes entity and a Location entity, and a one-to-one relationship between them, the idea being that each note could have its location tagged. I then have a UITableView with a fetchedResultsController driving the list of notes (where you can add new notes and attach a date and location to them), but then I have 2 other view controllers, one with a map view and one with a calendar view. The map view fetches all the locations in Location and displays them on a map. The calendar view basically gets all the data from Notes again and just shows it in a calendar view. How should I keep track of changes to Notes and Location in my calendar and map view? It's easy to load them up once in viewDidLoad, but how should I keep track of all the changes, so that when the user revisits the mapview (for e.g.) he/she sees the latest data as well.
The one way I've deciphered is to listen for notifications in NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification, in both the maps view and the calendar view. This seems to return all the inserted, deleted and updated objects from a managed context, each time there's a save. I could then go through these objects and see if I need to update my view. This is how I'm thinking of doing it:
In MapViewController viewDidLoad:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: self
selector: @selector(objectChangedNotificationReceived:)
name: NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification
object: context];
- (void) objectChangedNotificationReceived: (NSNotification *) notification
NSArray* insertedObjects = [[notification userInfo]
objectForKey:NSInsertedObjectsKey] ;
NSArray* deletedObjects = [[notification userInfo]
objectForKey:NSDeletedObjectsKey] ;
NSArray* updatedObjects = [[notification userInfo]
objectForKey:NSUpdatedObjectsKey] ;
NSLog(@"insertObjects: %@", [insertedObjects description]);
NSLog(@"deletedObjects: %@", [deletedObjects description]);
NSLog(@"updatedObjects: %@", [updatedObjects description]);
for (NSManagedObject *obj in insertedObjects) {
if ([obj class] == [Location class]) {
NSLog(@"adding a new location");
Location *locationObj = (Location *) obj;
[self.mapview addAnnotation: locationObj];
Does this seem about right? It seems like a lot of redundant code to put into each view controller, especially if I'm interested in more than one NSManagedObject. Is there some other technique that I'm missing?