I'm doing an assignment for automata theory, which I have to determine whether a word is accepted or not by a transition function for a deterministic finite automaton
I have this input file:
6 8 0 2
0 0 a
0 1 a
1 1 b
1 2 c
1 3 c
3 4 d
4 4 d
4 5 d
The input starts with 4 integers, the first is the number of state for the automaton, next is the number of transitions of the automaton, the third number is the initial state, and then the number of final states. then come the final states (in the example the final states are 2 and 5).
Then come N lines (N is the number of transitions), each with 2 integers and a character, I, J and C, representing the states where the transition, ie, the transition goes from state i to state J with the character C. Following this line come with a single integer S, which will contain the number of strings to test, then S lines with the respective strings.
The output of this program should be:
Case #2:
aaabcccc Rejected
aabbbbcdc Rejected
acdddddd Accepted
It should say if the String is accepted or rejected. So far, I've only coded the work with the input.
I don't know how would be most convenient to represent the automaton. Should I simply use arrays? What logic would I apply to the arrays?. Is there any way to do it without knowing in advance the automaton alphabet? Do I need a data structure to represent automata?. I am a little stuck with this assignment, and would like some ideas, some pseudocode or ideas to do it. Is the code in another language? I do not want the solution, because I want to do my assignment but if I could use some help