Link Says
It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. In general, bootstrap
2.0 is a lot easier to work with along with Telerik because they style less of the default elements, like . In 2.0, they require you
to add some class to a element, which means that they don't
try to style a Telerik grid, for example. This makes it look better.
What you won't get is a "Bootstrap themed" version of the Telerik
controls. Continuing with the Telerik grid example, if you use that
in conjunction with Bootstrap it will look like a Telerik grid, not a
Bootstrap table, with it's nice pager buttons, etc. That will take a
lot of work to change, and I don't recommend it. Telerik emits html
with its own CSS class names and mapping that back to Bootstrap would
be a chore. I've found, actually, that with Bootstrap I use a lot
less of Telerik than I did before, and just use more straight html +
If you do decide to integrate Telerik in your site, I recommend the
Telerik "Simple" theme, which seems to match Bootstrap's default
colors best.