In reference to Question 1,Question 2,Question 3, I am having similar question on same platform.
I am capturing multiple images (5 images - Kind of Burst mode in 1.5 sec) using AVFoundation, I am able to snap 5 images successfully but it makes shutter sound each time new image is taken.
I am using captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection for still images. Image quality/clarity is my main focus, I don't want to compromise in Image quality and Image capturing speed.
My Queries are:
1) Can I play sound only once ie. for first image only and not for all 5 images.
2) Can I change the shutter sound, if yes, How?.
3) Will apple approve such apps if changes are incorporated.
I am aware about App Store policy for shutter sound as per Section 3.3.8.
User Interface, Data Collection, Local Laws and Privacy:
Section 3.3.8 : Any form of user or device data collection, or image, picture or voice capture or recording (collectively “Recordings”), and any form of data, content or information collection, processing, maintenance, uploading, syncing, storage, transmission, sharing, disclosure or use performed by, through or in connection with Your Application must comply with all applicable privacy laws and regulations as well as any related Program Requirements, including but not limited to any notice or consent requirements. In particular, a reasonably conspicuous audio, visual or other indicator must be displayed to the user as part of the Application to indicate that a Recording is taking place.
It is also fine if we can mute/totally suppress Camera shutter sound (no sound at all).