CREATE TABLE entries (
id serial NOT NULL,
title character varying,
load_sequence integer
and data
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('A', 1);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('A', 2);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('A', 3);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('A', 6);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('B', 4);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('B', 5);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('B', 7);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('B', 8);
Is there a way in PostgreSQL to write SQL that groups data by same title
segments after ordering them by load_sequence
I mean:
=# SELECT id, title, load_sequence FROM entries ORDER BY load_sequence;
id | title | load_sequence
9 | A | 1
10 | A | 2
11 | A | 3
13 | B | 4
14 | B | 5
12 | A | 6
15 | B | 7
16 | B | 8
AND I want groups:
=# SELECT title, string_agg(id::text, ',' ORDER BY id) FROM entries ???????????;
so result would be:
title | string_agg
A | 9,10,11
B | 13,14
A | 12
B | 15,16
statements that setup the sample data. +1 from me. – Payroll