I have a problem with storing videos in Cache Storage. It works fine if the video has small size, but if its size is about 100MB, I get this error:
DOMException: Entry was not found.
I use the following code:
fetch(videoUrl).then(function(res) {
var responseToCache = res.clone();
caches.open('videos').then(function(cache) {
var request = new Request('https://example.com/video.mp4');
cache.put(request, responseToCache).catch(function(err) {
console.log(err); //this is where the error is thrown
I can store multiple small files with total size >= 100 MB however.
I suppose this is a limit of Chrome browser, but I cannot find any reference in Internet.
Is there any way to avoid this limitation?
The max video size I can store is 64MB. If the size is more than that, an error occurs.
Edit 2:
The error occurs only in Chrome. Firefox has no such limit. I tried videos with size >= 350MB, and its OK, in Firefox.