Why does gradle not searching for dependency in ALL defined maven repos?
Repos block is defined:
repositories {
maven {
name = 'JBoss.org Maven repository'
url 'https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public'
maven {
name = 'spring-milestones'
url 'http://repo.springsource.org/libs-milestone/'
(Assuming I got somewhere in the subproject net.sf.json-lib:json-lib:2.2.1
) I receive:
* What went wrong:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':myproject:compileClasspath'.
> Could not find json-lib.jar (net.sf.json-lib:json-lib:2.2.1).
Searched in the following locations:
Why the only one search-location? The json-lib
clearly exists in mavenCentral()
Is there any way to profile that, or debug somehow?
P.S. I could fix that if I move mavenCentral()
up one position in the list of repos, but that will break another subproject dependency-resolution by the very same reason -- something from "spring" repo does not exist in mavenCentral()