I have a Visual Studio Project with some reports I created. Each report has its own DataSource, with a defined user and password and a embedded connection, and I use this expression for the string connection that works perfectly:
="Data Source="+Parameters!server.Value+ ";Initial Catalog="+Parameters!database.Value
When I want to deploy a single report to a specified server , I have to change the TargetServerURL everytime, in the property pages of the project:
This works perfectly when I deploy a report in the server I want. The problem comes when I want to deploy the same report in many servers, for different reasons (a new report is created, changes in a report, etc) because I have to do the same process many times (change TargetServerURL, then to deploy). Is there a way to deploy one single report in multiple servers at the same time?
I already checked this link:
How to deploy many reports to many SSRS Servers
I tried the point with the manually script, but the problem is that the whole project is deployed and DataSource properties in each report lost his value, so doesn't work for me.
The script I've tried is in this link:
But as can seen in the LIMITATIONS part, the data sources with stored credentials must be re-entered. Also this deploy the entire project, and not an specified report.