Context: For a Ruby on Rails app for bike rentals, I am using the gem globalize to deal with input :description
in different languages.
Curent state: The globalize implementation worked, depending on my locale I am able to store description
in a specific language. The input for :description
is dealt with on the basis of the locale of an entire webpage.
This means that everything on this page has to change in language in order to store :description
in the correct language.
Alternatively, I am also able to show all available locales and show description
for each of them. (See also the commented out code below).
Question: I'm searching for a way to let the user select a language for :description
only and then save :description
in the correct language without changing the language of the entire webpage.
<div class="row">
<%# I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| %>
<!-- <h1><%#= locale %></h1> -->
<%= f.globalize_fields_for locale do |ff| %>
<div class="col-10">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-control-label text required" for="accommodation_category_description">Description</label>
<div><%= ff.text_area :description, :rows =>"5", :cols =>"30", class:"form-control is-valid text required" %></div>
<% end %>
<%# end %>
module ActionView
module Helpers
class FormBuilder
# Helper that renders translations fields
# on a per-locale basis, so you can use them separately
# in the same form and still saving them all at once
# in the same request.
def globalize_fields_for(locale, *args, &proc)
raise ArgumentError, "Missing block" unless block_given?
@index = @index ? @index + 1 : 1
object_name = "#{@object_name}[translations_attributes][#{@index}]"
object = @object.translations.find_by_locale locale.to_s
@template.concat @template.hidden_field_tag("#{object_name}[id]", object ? : "")
@template.concat @template.hidden_field_tag("#{object_name}[locale]", locale)
@template.fields_for(object_name, object, *args, &proc)