I tried http://code.google.com/p/simpledb-dev/ with Typica, but it didn't work because of version mismatch. simpledb-dev seems to support only a 2007 version of the protocol.
I tried release 0.1.10 of simpledb-dev uploaded on Jan 02, 2009, which is the latest to date.
(I wanted to add this note as a comment to Andrew Fogg answer, but I don't have comment privilege).
UPDATE: further details. With Typica 1.7.2 I get the following error:
<Response xmlns="http://sdb.amazonaws.com/doc/2007-11-07/">
<Message>SimpleDB/dev only supports version 2007-11-07 currently</Message>
I also tried with the official AWS Java SDK version 1.1.3, but I could not find a way to point to a local server. AmazonSimpleDBClient accepts a ClientConfiguration object in the constructor, but there are no setters for server and port in ClientConfiguration.