I'm using spring security 4.0.1 inside a spring boot 1.2.3 web application ( and also with spring-session 1.0.1, but this is irrelevant for the case ).
I do have a private area, and an all access area ( "/about", "/","/contact",... more than 20 pages ) for which every user can access. ( it's like a web-shop )
Whenever a logged-in user session expires,Spring detects an invalid session and redirects the user to the '.invalidSessionUrl("/session/error/invalid")'
However, i only want to be redirected if the target link in inside the private area, nor the public one.
How can i avoid that ?
This is my (java) config : ( updated after seen post )
.successHandler(new SessionSuccessHandler())
.deleteCookies("JSESSIONID", "SESSION")
.ignoringAntMatchers("/jolokia/**", "/v1.0/**");
How can i achieve that ?
Thanks a lot.