If you're asking about MS Sql Server or a back-end with similar support for "IN", then you can't specify a series of values as a single parameter to an IN clause of a query. However, a general (not FireDAC-specific) way to do this without using ad-hoc Sql (which carries the risk of Sql-Injection unless you are careful) is
Use a series of Inserts (or .InsertRecords
on a TDataSet
) to insert the "IN" values in to a single-column temporary table. The advantage of this is that you're not restricted by your parameterization to a specific number of values in the IN list.
Then do a "Select * from MyTable where SomeColumn in (Select ColumnValue from #MyTempTable)
It's a bit of a performance compared with just specifying the IN list values in ad hoc Sql, of course, but not much as can be seen from the example below. Using TDFQuery
s, the creation of the INList table requires two steps, one to define it and the other to do a Select * from it. Using TAdoQuery
s instead, these two steps can be combined.
TForm1 = class(TForm)
FDQuery1: TFDQuery;
qInlist: TFDQuery;
scCreateINListTable =
'if object_id(''tempdb.dbo.#countrycodes'', ''U'') is not null drop table #countrycodes'#13#10
+ 'create table #countrycodes (ACode char(2))';
scOpenINList = 'select * from #countrycodes';
scGetClients = 'select * from client where country in (select ACode from #countrycodes)';
procedure TForm1.GetClients;
qINList.SQL.Text := scCreateINListTable;
qINList.SQL.Text := scOpenINList;
FDQuery1.SQL.Text := scGetClients;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Notice that this implementation doesn't require any parameterized or ad hoc Sql queries at all.
... WHERE Gender IN (:p1,:p2); FDQuery1.Parameters.ParamValues['p1;p2'] := VarArrayOf(['M','W']);
– DirectionalIN
parameters/expressions are comma separated and that is part of the SQL statement/syntax itself. Devart's UniQuery for example has a concept of "macros" instead of parameters for such case, but I guess the command text is simply being dynamically populatted internally. – Directional