minifyify (the Browserify plugin) makes use of uglify-js but appears to be unable to handle Conditional compilation:
- compression works
- uglifyjs alone works for conditional compilation
- minifyify provides additional compilation optimization but I have been unable to use conditional compilation with it
I'm using Browserify with the babelify transformer and the minifyify plugin. Here is the cmd, broken down in readable parts:
[ babelify --presets [ es2015 ] ]
[ minifyify --no-map --uglify [ --compress [ --drop_console --dead_code --conditionals --unused --if_return ] --mangle --screw-ie8 --define [ DEBUG=false ] ] ]
I've gotten every setting/option to work. However, I am unable to get conditional compilation to work.
Minifyify uses uglifyjs' minify
method. The fact I'm passing by minifyify shouldn't really change anything.
Building directly through uglifyjs works
uglifyjs input.js --compress --dead_code --define DEBUG=false -o output.js
But then I lose the additional compressions/optimizations provided by minifyify.
I'm also open to another build process. My needs are resumed in the settings of the current process:
- CommonJS required modules
- transpiling of ES6 to ES5
- advanced minification/compression