I have tried pairing the samples but it costs huge amount of memory as 100 samples leads to 9900 samples which is more costly. What could be the more effective way of computing distance matrix in distributed environment in spark
Here is a snippet of pseudo code what i'm trying
val input = (sc.textFile("AirPassengers.csv",(numPartitions/2)))
val i = input.map(s => (Vectors.dense(s.split(',').map(_.toDouble))))
val indexed = i.zipWithIndex() //Including the index of each sample
val indexedData = indexed.map{case (k,v) => (v,k)}
val pairedSamples = indexedData.cartesian(indexedData)
val filteredSamples = pairedSamples.filter{ case (x,y) =>
(x._1.toInt > y._1.toInt) //to consider only the upper or lower trainagle
Above code creates the pairs but even if my dataset contains 100 samples, by pairing filteredSamples (above) results in 4950 sample which could be very costly for big data