Following are the 2 clients (2 micro-services) in keyclock.
- rest-service-1
- rest-service-2
Following is the role in rest-service-2
- service-2-user
To do service to service call, ie: rest-service-1 calls rest-service-2
'rest-service-1' is configured with following values in Keycloak
Access Type: confidential
Service Account Enabled: Yes
Also, under 'Service Account Roles' for rest-service-1, following role is added/mapped
Role for client rest-service-2: service-2-user
After setting up the 2 clients and service account for calling client in keyclock. I created a Spring boot 2.0.3 project and used the following code to get the token.
public AuthzClient authzClient(KeycloakSpringBootProperties kcProperties) {
Configuration configuration =
new Configuration(kcProperties.getAuthServerUrl(),
kcProperties.getCredentials(), null);
return AuthzClient.create(configuration);
Here is how I get access token
private AuthzClient authzClient;
public AccessTokenResponse token() {
return authzClient.obtainAccessToken();
Following is the token received:
"access_token": ${access-token},
"expires_in": 300,
"refresh_expires_in": 1800,
"refresh_token": ${refresh-token},
"token_type": "bearer",
"id_token": null,
"not-before-policy": 0,
"session_state": "6f284b2f-5bb6-4018-8acd-b83923ebb7d7",
"scope": "profile email"
Note: I replaced tokens for making it short/brief.
How do use the refresh token stated above and get a new Access Token. Does AuthzClient support that? If so, how do I do that?
Do I need to create a new Instance of TokenCallable and get the token? If so how to instanciate TokenCallable?
Is TokenCallable thread safe?