This question appears very similar to Reducing JIT time with recursive calls in Julia
To answer the question, I will adapt, correct and elaborate on the code given there.
First some definitions:
abstract type BiTree{T} end
struct Branch{T} <: BiTree{T}
struct Leaf{T} <: BiTree{T}
Base.foldl(f, b::Branch) = f(foldl(f, b.left), foldl(f, b.right))
Base.foldl(f, l::Leaf) = f(l.value)
# fancy and concise constructor operations
(⊕)(l::Branch, r::Branch) = Branch(l, r) # just for illustration
(⊕)(l, r::Branch) = Branch(Leaf(l), r)
(⊕)(l::Branch, r) = Branch(l, Leaf(r))
(⊕)(l, r) = Branch(Leaf(l), Leaf(r))
Here we have an abstract type and two sub-types, one composite for interior nodes in the tree and one for the leaves. We also have a recursive operation in two lines to define how to fold or reduce the values in the tree and a nice concise infix constructor for trees.
If we define my_tree
and then fold it with addition, we get this:
julia> my_tree = ((((6 ⊕ 7) ⊕ (6 ⊕ 7)) ⊕ ((7 ⊕ 7) ⊕ (0 ⊕ 7))) ⊕ (((8 ⊕ 7) ⊕ (7 ⊕ 7)) ⊕ ((8 ⊕ 8) ⊕ (8 ⊕ 0)))) ⊕ ((((2 ⊕ 4) ⊕ 7) ⊕ (6 ⊕ (0 ⊕ 5))) ⊕ (((6 ⊕ 8) ⊕ (2 ⊕ 8)) ⊕ ((2 ⊕ 1) ⊕ (4 ⊕ 5))));
julia> typeof(my_tree)
julia> foldl(+, my_tree)
Note that the type of my_tree
completely exposes that it is an interior node with children of some sort, but we can't really see how deep it is. We don't get types like Branch{Branch{Leaf{Int32}, Branch{...
. The fact that Branch{Int64}
is a BiTree{Int64}
is visible using
julia> isa(my_tree, BiTree{Int64})
But it isn't visible just from the value of my_tree
alone and the depth isn't visible in the type.
If we look at the methods generated as a side effect of our work so far, we see this
julia> using MethodAnalysis
julia> methodinstances(⊕)
4-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
MethodInstance for ⊕(::Branch{Int64}, ::Branch{Int64})
MethodInstance for ⊕(::Int64, ::Branch{Int64})
MethodInstance for ⊕(::Branch{Int64}, ::Int64)
MethodInstance for ⊕(::Int64, ::Int64)
julia> methodinstances(foldl)
3-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
MethodInstance for foldl(::typeof(+), ::Branch{Int64})
MethodInstance for foldl(::typeof(+), ::Leaf{Int64})
MethodInstance for foldl(::typeof(+), ::BiTree{Int64})
No matter what tree of 32-bit integers we try to construct, that's all we will need. And no matter what tree we try to reduce with +
, that's all we will need.
We can get more methods if we try folding with a different operator
julia> foldl(max, my_tree)
julia> methodinstances(foldl)
6-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
MethodInstance for foldl(::typeof(+), ::Branch{Int64})
MethodInstance for foldl(::typeof(max), ::Branch{Int64})
MethodInstance for foldl(::typeof(+), ::Leaf{Int64})
MethodInstance for foldl(::typeof(max), ::Leaf{Int64})
MethodInstance for foldl(::typeof(+), ::BiTree{Int64})
MethodInstance for foldl(::typeof(max), ::BiTree{Int64})
The interesting thing here is that the number of methods grows, but doesn't explode.