Is there a searchable, unique identifier (i.e., key, uid, etc... - pardon the likely butchering of proper terms) to differentiate between ob1 and ob2 in this example?
var makeObject = function() {
return {example: 'property'};
var ob1 = makeObject();
var ob2 = makeObject();
Now we know that:
ob1 === ob2; // false
Beyond this boolean distinction of inequality, are there lower level unique characters being temporarily assigned to ob1 and ob2? If so, can these unique characters be accessed through the console?
EDIT: How to determine equality for two JavaScript objects? really gets into the differentiation aspect of my question, so thank you for that. I feel that the other part of my question focused more on the machine level difference of ob1 compared to ob2 (practicality and/or user accessibility aside) and I believe "different places in memory" certainly answers that.
are not the same space in memory (both points to a different object).{} === {}
will be false too. The comparison doesn't care about properties. – Miry