I'm currently having an issue with blank plots appearing in rmarkdown chunk outputs for survminer. Please see image below.
It makes output difficult as it includes a huge empty space while trying to author reports.
I've been investigating this issue and I've narrowed it down to having to do with this print 'newpage' argument -
My question is - can anybody explain what exactly is happening here? - why is there a 'blank' plot and how can I not have it show ? - what exactly is happening when I have newpage = F for the first plot and newpage = T for the second plot to not have the blank page show ? - is there any other method of NOT having the first blank plot show ?
Thank you!
Reproducible Example -
Data <- data.frame(
X = sample(1:30),
Y = sample(c(1,0), 30, replace = TRUE),
Z = sample(c(1,0), 30, replace = TRUE)
survfit(Surv(Data$X, Data$Y) ~ Data$Z),
risk.table = T,
break.time.by = 12,
risk.table.fontsize = 3,
font.tickslab = 10,
font.x = 11,
xlab = 'Time (Months)',
font.y = 11,
font.main = 11,
legend = c(0.8, .9),
legend.title = '',
risk.table.height = .20,
risk.table.title = element_blank(),
censor = F,
pval = T,
pval.coord = c(6, .00),
pval.size = 4,
surv.scale = 'percent',
risk.table.y.text = F,
palette = 'Set1'