I have a daily time series dataset that I am using Python SARIMAX method to predict for future. But I do not know how to write codes in python that accounts for multiple seasonalities. As far as I know, SARIMAX takes care of only one seasonality but I want to check for weekly, monthly, and quarterly seasonalities. I know to capture day of the week seasonality, I should create 6 dummy variables, To capture day of the month seasonality, create 30 dummy variables, and To capture month of the year, create 11 dummy variables. But I don't know how to incorporate it with the main SARIMAX function in Python? I mean SARIMAX is just a function that does the autoregressive, moving average and the differencing parts but how should I include multiple seasonality codes in my time series analysis with SARIMAX? So far, I know how to create dummy variables for each category but don't know how to replicate it to the entire dataset? After that I don't know how to write Python codes that do SARIMAX and captures multiple seasonalities at the same time.
I am in need of help for Python code that can do it.
Please advise accordingly