Yes, I realize I can just look at the green-light when the video camera is on. That's not the point.
I'd like to write a little utility that notices when the mic or video camera is in use. I don't have any interest in knowing what app is using it. I just want to know if the mic / camera on or off.
This is for me as a parent. I was thinking I could get one of those color changing LED lights, and then when the camera/mic is on, my app could detect it, then send a signal to the light to change color. Then when one of my kids walks in, they'd see the light is "red" (meaning, do not disturb) and they'd know I'm on a conference call.
/usr/bin/log stream --predicate 'eventMessage contains "Post event kCameraStream"'
to check the state of webcams. I just created that wraps around this to turn on/off a bulb using a MQTT message to my smarthome setup. – Poncho