OpsWorks stores environmental variables in different places depending on what kind of app you're deploying. On Rails / Passenger they should be saved in the Apache config file #{your_app_name}.conf
. (Source)
This means they aren't available in your normal shell environment.
I know the Node.js recipes stored everything in an /srv/www/#{app_name}/shared/app.env
file... which is then sourced to pull in the environment to run the Node server. This implementation detail also meant you could write shell scripts that sourced that app.env
file, then called some Node script or whatever.
Of course, Rails isn't Node. I have no idea if the environmental variables are also stored somewhere else or not: a quick look at the Rails recipes in the OpsWorks cookbooks didn't find anything obvious, but maybe I missed something.
Depending on the amount of modifications you have going on in your OpsWorks cookbook, you could create a deploy recipe that does something like this:
application_environment_file do
user deploy[:user]
group deploy[:group]
path ::File.join(deploy[:deploy_to], "shared")
environment_variables deploy[:environment_variables]
(maybe adjusting the path)
Then to run your console, when you're SSHed into the server, do something like
sudo source /srv/www/my_app_name/shared/app.env; bundle exec rails console -e production
or whatever.
sudo opsworks-agent-cli get_json
I do see the MYKEY is there{ "deploy": { "server": { "environment": { "MYKEY": "1234" } ..
– Soonsooner$ bundle exec rails c production
as deploy user (Which is the same user Passenger is running under). Apache is running under www-data, but if I sign in as either www-data or deploy I don't see any env vars set. So I'm running, but I have no idea what is going on under the hood. – Soonsooner