I would like to do quantile cuts (cut into n bins with equal number of points) for each group
qcut = function(x, n) {
quantiles = seq(0, 1, length.out = n+1)
cutpoints = unname(quantile(x, quantiles, na.rm = TRUE))
cut(x, cutpoints, include.lowest = TRUE)
dt = data.table(A = 1:10, B = c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2))
dt[, bin := qcut(A, 3)]
dt[, bin2 := qcut(A, 3), by = B]
A B bin bin2
1: 1 1 [1,4] [6,7.33]
2: 2 1 [1,4] [6,7.33]
3: 3 1 [1,4] (7.33,8.67]
4: 4 1 [1,4] (8.67,10]
5: 5 1 (4,7] (8.67,10]
6: 6 2 (4,7] [6,7.33]
7: 7 2 (4,7] [6,7.33]
8: 8 2 (7,10] (7.33,8.67]
9: 9 2 (7,10] (8.67,10]
10: 10 2 (7,10] (8.67,10]
Here the cut without grouping is correct -- data lie in the bin. But the result by group is wrong.
How can I fix that?
dt[, qcut(A, 3), by = B]
works though – Deitz