I use Play Billing Library
and I have two subscriptions
for one and three months. For a 3
month subscription, I want to display the price for 1
For example, a 1
month subscription is $1,50
and a 3
month subscription is $3
for a 1
month). But I have some problems with currencies.
This is a code:
long priceAmountMicros = skuDetails.getPriceAmountMicros(); //3000000
String priceCurrency = skuDetails.getPriceCurrencyCode(); //USD
float priceFloat = (float)priceAmountMicros / 3 / 1000000; //1
String price = new DecimalFormat("#0.00").format(priceFloat);
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(priceCurrency);
String symbolCurrency = currency.getSymbol();//$
textView.setText(price + " " + symbolCurrency); //1.00 $ or 70.00 руб
The code almost is working. USD converted to $. EUR converted to £ and others. There are some problems with some currencies, for example, the Russian currency does not work. RUB converted to руб, but I expect ₽
There is a standard method for getting the price:
String price = skuDetails.getPrice();//3 $ or 210 ₽
Am I doing something wrong? Could you help me please?