I recently discovered that one can use the Pimp Enrich My Library pattern to add methods to companion objects using .type
object Whatever { }
implicit class WhateverExtensions(val obj: Whatever.type) {
def greet = println("Hi!")
Unfortunately the same doesn't seem to work for package objects like scala.math
implicit class MathExtensions(val obj: scala.math.type) {
def min(x: Money, y: Money): Money = ???
I get the following compiler error:
Error:(153, 47) type mismatch; found : math.type required: AnyRef Note that math extends Any, not AnyRef. Such types can participate in value classes, but instances cannot appear in singleton types or in reference comparisons. implicit class MathExtensions(val obj: scala.math.type) extends AnyVal { ^
Is it possible to enrich a package object?
type T = '
gives "Error:(5, 12) stable identifier required, but scala.<math: error> found. type T =math
.type". – Dasher