Following are my Celluloid codes.
One of the 2 clients. (I named it as client 1)client2.rb
2nd of the 2 clients. (named as client 2 )
the only the difference between the above 2 clients is the text that is passed to the server. i.e ('client-1'
and 'client-2'
On testing this 2 clients (by running them side by side) against following 2 servers (one at time). I found very strange results.
(a basic example taken from the of the celluloid-zmq)Using this as the example server for the 2 above clients resulted in parallel executions of tasks.
ruby server1.rb
Received at 04:59:39 PM and message is client-1
Going to sleep now
Received at 04:59:52 PM and message is client-2
the client2.rb message was processed when client1.rb request was on sleep.(mark of parallelism)
Using this as the example server for the 2 above clients did not resulted in parallel executions of tasks.
ruby server2.rb
Received at 04:55:52 PM and message is client-1
Going to sleep now
Received at 04:56:52 PM and message is client-2
the client-2 was ask to wait 60 seconds since client-1 was sleeping(60 seconds sleep)
I ran the above test multiple times all resulted in same behaviour.
Can anyone explain me from the results of the above tests that.
Question: Why is celluloid made to wait for 60 seconds before it can process the other request i.e as noticed in server2.rb case.?
Ruby version
ruby -v
ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-darwin13.0]
class inserver2.rb
? That's also a difference. – Astrometry