I'm using the following flags to generate the code coverage of my Qt application (.pro
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += --coverage
QMAKE_LFLAGS += --coverage
The code coverage is correctly generated, the problem is that if I want to run only one test function/class (and the GCDA files were already created) I get the following error message:
profiling: /Users/user/.../build-myapp/myclass.gcda: cannot merge previous GCDA file: corrupt arc tag (0x00000000)
Note that the error message is shown for each GCDA file. Also, note that it doesn't seem to affect the test cases.
As explained here, it "is a result of the build tools failing to merge current results into the existing .gcda coverage files". As answered in the question, an option is to delete the GCDA files before running the tests. For example, by adding the following command in the build phase:
find . -name "*.gcda" -print0 | xargs -0 rm
My problem is that I don't want to delete the old GCDA files every time I run the test cases. As I'm running only one test function/class, I want to keep the old GCDA files as they are, and only merge the GCDA file related to the current class. As I manually checked, it is already being done because only the coverage of my current class is updated, and the old coverages remain the same.
So, is there a command to just ignore (don't show) the error messages related to the GCDA merging problems? Or even better, a command to only update the GCDA files related to the current test class?
Note: I'm using Qt 5.3.2 on macOS Sierra with Clang.
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