I'm trying to figure out how to use sphinx4 or pocketsphinx with the english voxforge model but I can't get it working. I have tried to read doc pages (like this one http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/sphinx4/doc/UsingSphinxTrainModels.html ) but it does not help me.
What I want is an executable where I can specify which model to use and which audio file to use as source and have the executable print out it's best guess about what the voice on the recording says.
I hade some luck with: pocketsphinx_continuous -infile recording.wav 2> /dev/null
But it aborts before the complete audio file is transcribed and the default model has waay to few words to create a readable text from the audio.
I have compiled and tested the demos in sphinx4 source package but all the examples seem to have to few words and needs a model loke the voxforge one to be useful to me.
How can I set this up?