Historically I've mainly written web apps in Django, but now I'm increasingly finding that I want to write single-page web apps using Backbone.js or a similar JavaScript framework, with a back-end that solely consists of a database and an API.
My questions is this. If my application structure looks like this:
1. Database
2. API methods
3. Single-page front-end written with Backbone
and I'm most comfortable in Django - but also keen to learn new things too, such as NoSQL and Node, if they are appropriate - what would people recommend I use for (2)?
Typically I would use Django with Piston as the API app, but it seems rather heavyweight to have all of Django and only use it as an API provider. Perhaps I shouldn't be worrying, though.
+ Flask-SQLAlchemy + Flask-Restless in place of #2 and you are good to go. – Crompton