I've just found out that TeamCity runs on the 32-bit JVM on Windows, for some reason.
I'm seeing memory errors logged when checking out a large (not that large) Git repo and am already at the max heap size for the JVM. I know nothing about Java or the JVM, or TomCat.
How can I run TeamCity on a modern, 64-bit JVM? I sense its going to be a pain, else it would be the default.
We're a tiny team and if something doesn't have Apple levels of 'it just works' then we skip it.
We can live with this one project not be on the CI server, but it would be nice to know what's involved and weigh up the investment.
Any advice appreciated.
Okay so Markus pointed to this snippet (which I had read), but I can't see any information there explaining what to do.
Using 64 bit Java to Run TeamCity Server TeamCity can run under both 32 and 64 bit JVM. It is recommended to use 32 bit JVM unless you need to dedicate more than 1.3Gb of memory to the TeamCity process.
If you choose to use x64 JVM please note that the memory usage is almost doubled when switching from 32 to 64 bit JVM, so please make sure you specify at least twice as much memory as for 32 bit JVM, see Setting Up Memory settings for TeamCity Server.
If you run TeamCity as a service and switch to x64 bit, you will also need to use x64 Tomcat executables, see more.
Did I miss something?
Edit 2
Ah, okay, buried in some paragraphs above that link is this:
"if you run as Windows service and want to upgrade JRE to 64 bit version, you will need to replace \jre with appropriate JRE"
So I guess I need to copy some files into the /jre folder?