I've made a fresh workspace with the latest sencha cmd and latest ExtJS 5.0.1. Generated an app into in. Wrote a little bit of code.
I generate production build with sencha app build.
The development loads well, but the production build tries to load file with no name and gets a 404
GET http://yassa-built.dev/.js?_dc=1410352524548 404 (Not Found) After that error it doesn't load at all.
I can't understand what it is searching for. Development is not complaining at all.
I made an archive with it https://mega.co.nz/#!Dk0gDRJD!dNITsq1fGFs5T4d-4yYFnA6_K6EcAhFkxoeEjaJu7MY (~600kb). It includes the sources and the production build.
UPD I've found the place where it starts to break. In file RadioAdminController.js.
case 'menu_referals':
return app.setSubView('redmed-radioapp-referals', {
store: Ext.create('RedmedAdmin.store.Referals')
If I do not create a store - it works. The production build is ok. The store is nothing special:
Ext.define('RedmedAdmin.store.Referals', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
model: 'RedmedAdmin.model.Referal',
autoLoad: false,
autoSync: true