Visual Studio Code run individual .cs files
Asked Answered



Is there a way we can run individual .cs files in Visual Studio Code.

I have followed this link and runs fine but then I added Program2.cs and try to run using "dotnet run Program2.cs" but it failed for obvious reasons saying


Program2.cs(7,21): error CS0111: Type 'Program' already defines a member called 'Main' with the same parameter types [csharp.csproj]"

Is there a way to run individual .cs files. Or any way I can run individual .cs files that outputs to terminal/command prompt or console.

Uremia answered 27/3, 2018 at 2:23 Comment(6)
The unit of .NET Core app is a project. A single .cs file is not a project.Mythos
And each project needs a .csproj file as well as the C# file.Multifold
But if your question is how to test simple C# code, check out dotnetfiddle.netMultifold
You can use csi.exe, the C# interactive compiler, to run "script files" which are given the extension csx. No need for projects or even a Main method.Sinotibetan
.cs files are just containers for code. You don't "run" them. You run Programs with a single unique entrypoint (namely Main function). What you can do is: Have multiple projects in one solution (with individual entrypoints, each. That will be multiple Programs, though) or have one main and control via cmd-line params what code to execute. One .cs file is not one program, it isn't even necessarily one class. It can contain multiple classes / types or one class can span multiple .cs files ...Sigman
I just saw, you seem to be using .Net Core. Handling might be slightly different there, but my comment about ".cs files" still stands.Sigman

dotnet command is just for .NET Core and you must do dotnet new console command to generate a project to run it

if you are using .NET Framework and having the environment variables correctly set on your system, you can use csc Program.cs command to individually compile a class file to an executable. But this way is highly deprecated for any further learning or development

Rachmaninoff answered 27/3, 2018 at 2:51 Comment(5)
I have created a .csproj using the link in the original post and now I have two .cs file with main in each of them. Is it possible to run those individual files even when it has main in both files. I just need to run individual files, more of files that prints output to command prompt.Uremia
because if you use dotnet command to build and run the code, it ONLY accepts project for compiling, and you have 2 Mains in your project (project files is specified by folder in .NET Core, so as long as Program2.cs is in the folder, it is counted as a part of your project) and it cannot decide which to run.Rachmaninoff
as i said, if you wanted to compile code with single cs file, you need to use 'csc' command which is a completely different .NET implementRachmaninoff
"But this way is highly deprecated for any further learning or development" - citation needed.Sigman
there are many unit test technologies for it, why do you need to compile a single class fileRachmaninoff

This should work if you want to run a single C# file in VS Code Terminal

  1. Install CodeRunner Extension in your VS Code (Extension ID: formulahendry.code-runner)
  2. Go to Settings and open settings.json
  3. Type in code-runner.executorMap

Using coderunner

  1. Find "csharp": "scriptcs"
  2. Replace it with this "csharp": "cd $dir && csc $fileName; && $dir$fileNameWithoutExt.exe"

Using csharp

But if you want to run a file from a project in VS Code Terminal

  1. Install CodeRunner Extension in your VS Code (Extension ID: formulahendry.code-runner)
  2. Go to Settings and open settings.json
  3. Type in code-runner.executorMap
  4. Find "csharp": "scriptcs"
  5. Replace it with this "csharp": "cd $dir && dotnet run $fileName"
Gayegayel answered 18/5, 2021 at 11:29 Comment(1)
"'csc' is not recognized as an internal or external command"Realistic

For this i've always used this c# scripting engine :,

very easy to implement and works very well and you can reference local dlls, Nuget packages or GAC assemblies.

It also has a Visual studio code plugin, so you can run with F5, debug ...

Complicated answered 25/5, 2018 at 14:34 Comment(2)
Well, it runs great! But how can I stop it :D I had to close VS-Code because CTRL+C did not work and I could not find the process to kill it. (So you might don't want to use a while(true)-loop...)Jacie
CSScript either moved sites or shutdown. The domain is available.Realistic

As @Alsein suggested, you should use dotnet new console. Few details to add here are... run dotnet new console in the folder where you have your .cs file. This will then create a .csproj (this is the project file) a bin folder and an obj folder AND a Program.cs with an empty main method.

If you do dotnet run at this point, it will scold you saying there are 2 entry points. Delete the Program.cs created by the first command. Assuming you have only one other .cs file (your original file) WITH a main method .. you should be able to do dotnet run and get the result from your .cs file.

Also checkout this cool project - this will allow you to run .csx (c# script file) as individual files. So instead of writing .cs files, you write .csx script and run them as dotnet script helloworld.csx

Dilan answered 3/5, 2021 at 7:22 Comment(0)

In VSCode you can simply do this:

  1. Put the following line in your .csproj file:
  1. In the terminal, type
$ dotnet run
Spirketing answered 18/6, 2021 at 4:27 Comment(0)

Under Linux

If you want use the DivyashC answer using the CodeRunner Extension under Linux,

I suggest use the next command for step (5):

"csharp": "csc $fileName && ./$fileNameWithoutExt.exe"

Or if you want use Mono compiler (mcs):

"csharp": "mcs $fileName && ./$fileNameWithoutExt.exe"
Kwangtung answered 4/11, 2023 at 3:10 Comment(0)

I also had issue with this and I was able to come up with a quicker way to do this in VSCode thanks to @DivyashC's answer of CodeRunner execution for single file for C# and answer from Specify startup object on fly with a few tweak to the final setting as given below :

{ ...
"code-runner.clearPreviousOutput": true,
"code-runner.ignoreSelection": true,
"code-runner.executorMap": {
"csharp": "cd $dir && dotnet clean --nologo -v=q && dotnet build -v=q /property:StartupObject=$fileNameWithoutExt && dotnet run"
... }

After which I can directly run the individual files.

Leisure answered 13/3, 2024 at 11:37 Comment(0)

In Visual Studio Code Open the folder containing your Program.cs file, as long as their is a project file in that folder you can open a new terminal window and type dotnet build then after it builds dotnet run.

Orthodox answered 14/12, 2020 at 19:17 Comment(1)
OP's question is about running individual .cs files like an executable/program. dotnet build = msbuild will ask for a project or solution file to build. It will not build program.cs without one.Dilan

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