So i was stuck with a question on how to combine a CNN with a RNN in Keras. While posting the question someone pointed me out that this is the correct way to approach the problem. Apparently i just overlooked something in the original code, which made me answer my own question.
The original problem is as follows:
How do you create a model in Keras that has sequences of images as the input, with a CNN 'looking' at each individual image and the sequence of the CNN output being fed into a RNN?
To make it more clear:
Model one: a CNN that looks at single images.
Model two: a RNN that at the sequences of the output of the CNN from model one.
So for example the CNN should see 5 images and this sequence of 5 outputs from the CNN should be passed on to the RNN.
The input data is in the following format:
(number_of_images, width, height, channels) = (4000, 120, 60, 1)