After some research I've found a lot of materials on how to write simple and efficient code (using JPQL) that:
- Allows eager fetching of related entities (e.g. using JOIN FETCH).
- Allows pagination on a single entity.
But when it comes to combining both of them - it becomes unclear how to do that in an efficient and clean manner.
Either it is eager fetching that works, but pagination is being applied in memory (a.k.a. HHH000104: firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!)
Either it is pagination that works, but eager fetching does not (even when a
actually contained related entities), resulting in an additional queries to a database to fetch related entities for each row in a batch.
The closest thing, that actually works is
But it left me wondering if there is a more intuitive and clean solution to the problem?
Question: Is there any other best practice on how to use pagination with eager fetching of related entities?
Note: Solution should also provide a way to apply filters to data being retrieved from a database. (e.g. JPQL WHERE clause)