I am not sure how to pass arguments from Setup() to Returns() in Moq.
Here is an example:
public static IInterfaceHandler GetInterfaceHandlerMoq()
// Defining the moq
var moq = new Mock<IInterfaceHandler>();
// Trying to set up a moq using another moq
moq.Setup(m => m.CreateCommunicationInterface(It.IsAny<Guid>(), It.IsAny<string>()))
.Returns((Guid guid, string value) => GetProgrammerMoq(guid, value));
// Return mocked object
return moq.Object;
Note that GetProgrammerMoq() is a library that will return another Moq. Here is the code:
public static IProgrammer GetProgrammerMoq(Guid guid, string instName)
// Create Moq
var moq = new Mock<IProgrammer>();
// Set up the returnables
moq.Setup(o => o.InstanceName).Returns(programmer + "_" + instName);
moq.Setup(o => o.Guid).Returns(guid);
// Return mocked object
return moq.Object;
See here that GetProgrammerMoq() needs its arguments to be set up based on what is passed to CreateCommunicationInterface().
My test then tries to get and use the Moq, but "p" is returned as null (because, I guess, my arguments are not passed properly to Returns()).
Here is a draft of what the test is to look like:
public void DoSomething()
IInterfaceHandler test = ProgrammerMoqs.GetInterfaceHandlerMoq();
Guid? g = new Guid();
IProgrammer p = test.CreateCommunicationInterface(g, "test-boff");
var moq = new Mock<IInterfaceHandler>();
tovar moq = new Mock<IInterfaceHandler>(MockBehavior.Strict);
and retry and tell us what happened. – Appointeem.CreateCommunicationInterface
you set up is not THE CreateCommunicationInterface you thought it is. – AppointeeCreateCommunicationInterface
seems to beIProgrammer CreateCommunicationInterface(Guid?, string)
. Did you try withIt.IsAny<Guid?>()
? – Cauchym.CreateCommunicationInterface(It.IsAny<Guid?>(), It.IsAny<string>()))
– Cauchy