There is now more documentation on this, considering since Dec. 2nd, 2020:
Dependabot already updates your public dependencies, such as open source dependencies from a public GitHub repository, npm
, Maven Central, or similar.
Now, you can also update dependencies from private GitHub repositories. This feature is available for most package managers supported by Dependabot version updates, except bundler
, hex
, and pip
To get started, grant Dependabot access to some or all of your private repositories on your organization's security & analysis settings page:
Learn more about Dependabot version updates.
March 2021:
Dependabot can now access dependencies from authenticated private registries, such as GitHub Packages, Azure Artifacts, and Artifactory. These private registries are similar to their public equivalents, but they require authentication and are only available to members of your team or company. With this release, Dependabot version updates can help keep inner source as up-to-date as open source.
To enable this feature, add a registries section to your dependabot.yml, reference your new registries in the relevant updates, and add any secrets to Dependabot's secret store.
This complements your ability to give Dependabot version updates access to private repositories, which is common for ecosystems like go modules and npm.
Dec. 2021:
whenever this workflow runs on a PR that was issued by Dependabot - it fails as Dependabot PRs don't have the same secret access as other pull requests do.
This should no longer (Nov./Dec. 2021) be the case:
GitHub Actions: Workflows triggered by Dependabot receive dependabot secrets.
GitHub Actions workflows triggered by Dependabot will now be sent the Dependabot secrets.
This change will enable you to pull from private package registries in your CI using the same secrets you have configured for Dependabot to use and will improve how Actions and Dependabot work together.
Learn more about using Actions and Dependabot together.