First of all, I'll state that this is a university assignment so I'm not asking for someone to write the code for me I just need to be pointed in the right direction. :)
Ok, so I need to write an algorithm to solve any (solvable) sudoku board of arbitrary size. I've written a recursive function that can solve any 9x9 board quickly (~1ms) but when I do larger boards (16x16) that are hard to solve it struggles.. I've had one test going for 20 minutes and it can't seem to solve it. It can solve easy 16x16 puzzles or even a blank 16x16 board so I don't think it's the dimensions that are the problem.. it's more likely to be the algorithm that is the problem I think.
Anyway, this is the basic logic of my program..
- I have a 3D vector that stores the possible values of my every square
- When a value is placed in a square then it is removed from the possible values of the surrounding square, row and column that it's in
Then my solve function is basically:
bool solve() {
if (there are no unfilled squares)
return true
if (the board is unsolvable - there are empty squares that have no possible values)
return false
while (there are empty squares)
int squaresFilled = fillSquaresWithOnlyOneChoice(); //this method updates the possible results vector whenever it fills a square
if (squaresFilled == 0)
//exhausted all of the 'easy' squares (squares with only one possible choice), need to make a guess
while (there are empty squares that have choices left) {
find the square with the least number of choices
if (the square with the least number of choices has 0 choices)
return false; //not solvable.
remove that choice from the 3D vector (vector that has the choices for each square)
make a copy of the board and the 3D choices vector
fill the square with the choice
if (solve())
return true; //we're done
restore the board and choices vector
//the guess didn't work so keep looping and make a new guess with the restored board and choices -- the choice we just made has been removed though so it won't get made again.
return false; //can't go any further
Is there anything inefficient about this? Is there any way I could get it to work better? I'm guessing that a 16x16 board takes so long is because the decision tree for it is so large for a board that isn't filled in very much. It's weird though, because a 9x9 board will solve really fast.
Any ideas or suggestions would be absolutely awesome. If there's any information I've missed let me know too!