When using the ARSessionDelegate
to process the raw camera image in ARKit...
func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate frame: ARFrame) {
guard let currentFrame = session.currentFrame else { return }
let capturedImage = currentFrame.capturedImage
debugPrint("Display size", UIScreen.main.bounds.size)
debugPrint("Camera frame resolution", CVPixelBufferGetWidth(capturedImage), CVPixelBufferGetHeight(capturedImage))
// ...
... as documented, the camera image data doesn't match the screen size, for example, on iPhone X I get:
- Display size: 375x812pt
- Camera resolution: 1920x1440px
Now there is the displayTransform(for:viewportSize:) API to transform camera coordinates to view coordinates. When using the API like this:
let ciimage = CIImage(cvImageBuffer: capturedImage)
let transform = currentFrame.displayTransform(for: .portrait, viewportSize: UIScreen.main.bounds.size)
var transformedImage = ciimage.transformed(by: transform)
debugPrint("Transformed size", transformedImage.extent.size)
I get a size of 2340x1920 which seems incorrect, the result should have an aspect ratio of 375:812 (~0.46). What do I miss here / what's the correct way to use this API to transform the camera image to an image "as displayed by ARSCNView"?
(Example project: ARKitCameraImage)