While showing a save dialog, I want to hook user's filter type change and change file extension automatically. (e.g. like MSPaint's "Save As" operation.)
With TSaveDialog and setting UseLatestCommonDialogs := False, I can handle this by the following code. (without latest common dialog support, of cource.)
procedure TForm1.SaveDialog1TypeChange(Sender: TObject);
FName, Ext: string;
with TSaveDialog(Sender) do
if DirectoryExists(FileName) then // FileName is Empty
case FilterIndex of
1: Ext := '.png';
2: Ext := '.bmp';
3: Ext := '.jpg';
FName := ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(FileName), Ext);
SendMessage(Windows.GetParent(Handle), CDM_SETCONTROLTEXT, 1152, LongInt(PChar(FName)));
I want to support both XP, and vista/7 with Delphi 2007.
Should I use TFileSaveDialog instead of TSaveDialog with internal wrapper ? (And I have to struggle with COM programming using IFileDialogControlEvents ?)
Or can I achieve this with TFileSaveDialog and it's standard properties only ? (My development environment is still on XP machine, so I've never tried. sorry.)
I think it's very common task, but I couldn't find any sample code supporting Vista/7...