in my cocoa application, I need a custom NSCell for an NSTableView. This NSCell subclass contains a custom NSButtonCell for handling a click (and two or three NSTextFieldCells for textual contents). You'll find a simplified example of my code below.
@implementation TheCustomCell
- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView {
// various NSTextFieldCells
NSTextFieldCell *titleCell = [[NSTextFieldCell alloc] init];
// my custom NSButtonCell
MyButtonCell *warningCell = [[MyButtonCell alloc] init];
[warningCell setTarget:self];
[warningCell setAction:@selector(testButton:)];
[warningCell drawWithFrame:buttonRect inView:controlView];
The problem I'm stuck with is: what is the best/right way to get that Button (more precisely: the NSButtonCell) inside this NSCell to work properly? "work" means: trigger the assigned action message and show the alternate image when clicked. Out of the box, the button doesn't do anything when clicked.
Information / readings on this topic is hard to find. The only posts I found on the net pointed me to implementing
- (BOOL)trackMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent inRect:(NSRect)cellFrame ofView:(NSView *)controlView untilMouseUp:(BOOL)untilMouseUp;
Is this the correct way to do it??? Implement trackMouse: in my containing NSCell? And then forward the event to the NSButtonCell? I would have expected the NSButtonCell itself to know what to do when it's being clicked (and I saw the trackMouse: methods more in cunjunction with really tracking mouse movements - not as a training wheel for 'standard' click behaviour). But it seems like it doesn't do this when included in a cell itself... It seems I haven't grasped the big picture on custom cells, yet ;-)
I'd be glad if someone could answer this (or point me to some tutorial or the like) out of his own experience - and tell me if I'm on the right track.
Thanks in advance, Tobi