Edit 23.5.11
I'm now wondering whether I'm over engineering this. When I use an online connection, I handle it properly - either:
in the background with a progress or activity indicator showing and if it fails, I display a suitable message OR
I call another application, either Safari or Maps which will then do its own check and fail if there is no connection. That leaves the user in that other app that has failed, which is not perfect tho.
So if I do what I'm suggesting below and standard Reachability returns not reachable and I then have to do a NSURLConnection in case the radios have gone to sleep, then I'm not sure that's any better than just trying to get the online resource in the first place.
If anyone can help - I'd be really grateful. I'm almost ready to submit, just need to get this right.
I'm using Apple's Reachability sample to generally good effect except for when the mobile or cellular connection goes to sleep and then comes back or the wifi goes and the cellular connection is then relied on.
Its fine when the mobile (cellular) connection isn't changing. This is in line with comments I've read, that when the cellular radio switches off you have to wake it up again manually. However, I can't see how to do that.
Do I need to setup a NSURLConnection? Some sample code would be great. When I get a notification that there is no connection, would I send the NSURLConnection and tell the user to try again in a moment and then if I get a callback to say its successful, override the off setting from Reachability?
In addition, would I need to do that whenever there seems to be no connection, just in case its that - this seems wasteful of resources when it may well not be that. e.g.an iPod Touch that's not in wifi reach.
I've also looked at DDG's alternative, but it looks like that will have the same issue.
Any helpful suggestions would be warmly welcomed.