I'm doing this sort of thing:
- (NSArray*)colors {
float divisor = .3333;
NSMutableArray *retVal = [NSMutableArray array];
for (float one=0; one <= 1.0f; one += divisor) {
for (float two = 0; two <= 1.0f; two += divisor) {
for (float three = 0; three <= 1.0f; three += divisor) {
UIColor *color = [UIColor colorWithRed:one green:two blue:three alpha:.5];
// also bad
// UIColor *color = [UIColor colorWithHue:one saturation:two brightness:three alpha:.5];
[retVal addObject:color];
return retVal;
and, as I suspected, the colors come out horribly out of order (to the eye). The reds are not with the reds, purples not with the purples, etc.
Is there no easy way to create a list of diverse colors, nicely grouped according to human criteria like, "that looks blue?"