My problem: JSpinner is so skinny that I can only see the chars on the string in the last spot.
ex: "Hello" I only see 'o'.
I have a JPanel in a JFrame's BorderLayout.SOUTH
The JPanel's layout manager is the default which is - correct me if I'm misinformed - a FlowLayout manager.
also there's multiple components in the previously mentioned JPanel.
I've tried
RandomSpinner = new JSpinner(tempModel);
int w = RandomSpinner.getWidth(); int h = RandomSpinner.getHeight();
RandomSpinner.setSize(new Dimension(w * 2, h));
this had no effect on the width of the JSpinner.
How should I change the width of my JSpinner or is this a FlowLayout issue?
thank you
should use the spinner's preferred size. – Glomma