I have been making an UWP app with the using a MapControl but when I run the app I get an error in the bottom corner saying "Warning: MapServiceToken not specified". The XAML I am using is as follows:
<Maps:MapControl x:Name="MapControl1" Loaded="mapLoaded" ZoomLevelChanged="mapZoomChanged" MapServiceToken="AqK9nK0h_LngGSC8pHPzBJvl62yf617zRytgimB3fyYqdJPljcB-EGm3llmUUrlI"/>
As you can see I have specified the MapServiceToken and I have also tried specifying it using C# with no luck.
MapService.ServiceToken = "AqK9nK0h_LngGSC8pHPzBJvl62yf617zRytgimB3fyYqdJPljcB-EGm3llmUU...";
MapControl1.MapServiceToken = "AqK9nK0h_LngGSC8pHPzBJvl62yf617zRytgimB3fyYqdJPljcB-EGm3llmU...";
I have used www.bingmapsportal.com to get my token but I have also tried using the Application ID and Authentication Token from the Windows Dev Center. Any Ideas?