I've developed an application which uses qscintilla as a text editor. I also implemented custom lexer to highlight language specific keywords. So far styles for highlighted keywords are hardcoded in mine application and it looks quite ok in the default theme on Windows/Linux(Ubuntu)/Mac.
The problems appears when user chooses a dark theme (on Linux). Depending on QScintilla version some parts of editor do reflect current theme colors while other don't. Moreover mine custom styles render dark blue letters on dark grey background.
I'm looking for some Qt class, which will allow me access of the current system theme. I do not want to define styles for mine application widgets. I want to know what is system default non-proportional font, what is it's size, color, ... If I knew that dark scheme is used I would choose complementary colors for keyword highlighting.
I checked docs for QStyle, QPlatformTheme and other qt classes and it seems to me that these serve more for defining of new styles, then for describing the current style.