I haven't seen any direct solutions for your question yet, but you can get some ideas from this technology that just came out of the oven.
If you want mobile online/offline sync you can use GraphQL replication protocol instead of CouchDB replication protocol.
A quick trick is to use Hasura "plug and play" GraphQL reactive backend in front of PostgreSQL, empowering it with an offline/online GraphQL synchronization feature. In the frontend you will need RxDB (which uses PouchDB as a storage engine) or Apollo JS (which is a GraphQL client). These are javascript libraries, something similar may exist in the mobile world.
Regarding the DB achitecture it may not be as plug n' play as think. You have to do some tweaks in the tables you want to replicate. According to CAP theorem, PostgreSQL (as a SQL database) provides you with data consistency and availability (no partitionability). Then CouchDB/PouchDB provides you with data availability and partitionability (eventual consistency).
Databases for offline first apps must be eventually consistent and capable of handlig version conflicts because that can happen when a documnet/row is changed at the same time in two different places.
So the requirement is to implement eventual consistency feature on PostgreSQL. That can be done by creating a column called revision_id in each of your offline-first ready tables, making it part of the table's primary key and another column with a list of previous revision_ids.
Never tried it myself but here is the tutorial explaining everything.